January 2nd, 2012 Crossfit, Grocery Shopping, Kids crafts and Dinner party
2nd day of the year and I had to get my resolutions in gear by working out this morning. Crossfit of choice these days and it was a great "get back in the groove" work-out that has had my tuckus aching all day.
We had a family meeting this morning to go over our family expectations for 2012. Respect and responsibility and all the things that go with that. The kids told us what all they needed to do to show respect and responsibility so they can't tell us tomorrow that "I didn't know I needed to pick up my shoes from the middle of the floor, clean up my room, speak kindly, or not hit my sister in the mouth because she took the color cup I wanted."
In preparation for having a few friends over for dinner tonight I had to fill the empty cupboards so I proceeded to venture out to not one, or two but three different grocery stores. Trader Joes is my pick for most of my food but had to purchase meat from another store with a meat counter and shrimp at albertsons for a Shrimp Ceviche dish.
I did a cool craft with the kids I will post another time - for tonight - Good night and fare well.
Learned about blogging today - can't use Blogger with Foxfire. The pictures wouldn't load and I couldn't post. Tried Safari and had no problems. Wish somebody had told me that before I spent an hour trying to upload pictures from Foxfire.
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